The Grail – Quest for the Cup of Life
You are upon the High Way of Divine Life. The Universe is observing your spiritual journey with great interest. On special occasions, our individual Ways have intersected and communed within profound densities of Life and Joy. I am certain that our Pathways shall cross in Service to the Divine on many occasions as we travel deeper into the Heartland of the New Aeon which is now unfolding. May each such crossway Anoint the Lord of Life within every Being.
In the 21st century, both we and the Living Earth are entering very important phases of our personal journeys. The challenges, purifications and initiations of Bodhisattvahood are beginning to manifest frequently and visibly within our experience of Living and Serving upon this Earth. This business of becoming a Bodhisattva is a very tricky one! Especially here in the West. I wish you every success within the chamber of your initiation.
The Bodhisattva – The Master of the Grail
The Bodhisattva is known as The Master of the Grail. For the Bodhisattva is a person who has managed to remove all limitations of ego from Self so that there is no inner resistance to either receiving or giving the Immortal Communion of the Holy Grail. When we have removed all resistance to giving and receiving from our Wills, our Minds, our Hearts, and our Bodies, then the Richness of True Immortal Communion begins to be experienced in every situation.
There are five degrees of Initiation beyond the Master of the Grail - the Bodhisattva. Through each of these five degrees, the magick of Divine Immortal Communion becomes deeper, more creative, and more expansive. In the final stages of this process, all resistance to perpetual Immortal Communion with Total and Infinite Life is abolished from the physical Body. This is the Christing of Flesh - the attainment of Life Everlasting, where the alchemical Wedding of Body and Spirit is consummated. Through Total Immortal Communion, the Triumph of Life is Complete.
Illusions are parasites dependent upon dualities. Dualities are not real. At the Heart of Communion, Immortal Transformation - complete Union with the Divine - occurs, and all dualities and all illusions vanish. Only the Eternal Joy of Radiant Truth remains... The Word is made Flesh... You and the Divine are forever and ever One.
The Magick of Immortal Communion
In Service to the Theme of Life, I would like to devote these words to an exploration of the Magick of Immortal Communion. Let us breathe together - You and I - in the Here and Now. And Let us invoke - You and I - the Living Spirit of Truth, Here and Now, to Be With Us and to Illuminate the Way of Immortal Communion... Oh Let It Be!
We begin exactly where we are: What can I assume about you here in this instant? You are alive and you are choosing to let these words and thoughts into your consciousness - into your Life. Here we have the basic conditions needed for Immortal Communion. For Immortal Communion is always about Life, Choice, and Change.
The Art of Immortal Communion is Pure Magick, for Magick is the Art of Creating Change that is in Harmony with your Unique True Will. These words are Alive - radiant with the Abundance of Immortal Joy... Feast upon these Words... And may the Recreation of Christed Life be established throughout thy Flesh!
In the Orthodox Church, the Holy Spirit is invoked to activate the bread and wine. This is a Ritual of essential importance. The conscious and sincere Invocation of the Living Spirit of Truth increases the potency of Divine Grace within every form of Communion. Let us, once again, consider our present situation: In this instant of time, I am writing these words. In this instant of time, you are reading them. Through Communion, our experiences are transcending linear time. In Eternity, the mutual interchange of all experience is complete and simultaneous at all times. The Divine knows your needs before you ask - but you still need to ask! The Invocation of the Holy Spirit is the most effective way to do this asking.
If the white wafer used in many Christian Churches can act as the Body or Flesh of Christ, surely any object can. These wafers contain no nutrition and look like they are made out of plastic. The humble nature of these wafers is something to meditate upon... I urge you to try this experiment now: Let these words take the place of the white wafer. To take the Christ Nature which is Alive within these words and to absorb them into your Life - this is Communion. Invocation maximizes the efficiency of this Divine Process.
Now let us give our spiritual attention to this experiment: Breathe deeply for a few minutes; create a Heart-centred energy of Radiant Thanksgiving and Peace through this breathing: visualize this sphere of generated divine qualities expanding with every breath cycle to permeate the immediate area surrounding you to a distance of at least 10 feet (3 metres) in every direction. You have now created a Resonating Field that is naturally attractive to the Creative Intelligence of the Universe. Continue to breathe and to hold this meditation...
To awaken and activate the Spirit of Truth is the next step: Add the additional outward heart-radiation of Divine Praise to your generating sphere. The Fiery Quality of Praise always has a very special effect - the Shekinah, or Visible Manifestation of the Divine, is nurtured and illuminated by such a baptism of Praise. The final step before actual Invocation is now to be accomplished. Verbally and silently, affirm and pray with Heart and Will united in this effort - with energy, belief, thought and word, praise the Living Spirit of Truth.
Send forth this radiant Praise to the Holy Spirit of Truth for several minutes, until you feel a Creative Connection has been established. It is essential to offer this Praise to the Living Spirit of Truth for two main reasons:
(1) We need to give Divine Blessings before we can receive;
(2) As stated above, Praise brings out the Shekinah or Visible Nature of the Spirit of Truth, so that all the spiritual senses may have something tangible to work with during and after Invocation.
We are now ready to consecrate All Life by Invoking the Living Spirit of Truth. The best invocations are always created in the Here and Now. I will not offer you a written invocation here - it's best to make up your own. When the Will is clear about the purpose of the prayer or invocation, then the Words flow with ease from the Heart. Our purpose in this experiment is simple and clear: We are to invoke the Living Spirit of Truth to fill this moment with Divine and Creative Blessings so that our Immortal Communion with it shall be of the Highest Use. We seek to establish a Spiritual Relationship with these words so that their Divine Nature may flow into our Body Temple and Aliveness in a totally efficient, nurturing, and unrestricted manner. We seek to establish a "superconductivity" of Divine Relationship so that the Total Truth may encounter no resistance as it Joyfully Recreates our individual unique expressions of the Divine.
It is important to develop your own style of Invocation. Here is one classic style: When ready, raise your hands, with palms upwards, to the heavens. Verbally make your Invocation to the Holy Spirit of Truth. Inhale the Holy Spirit of Truth into your hands, and then bring this energy down into the centre of your heart. Let the Holy Spirit of Truth unite with the Blessings of your Heart for an instant. Then exhale the combined Grace of the Holy Spirit of Truth and your own Heart out through your hands and directly into the world. If appropriate, the verbal Invocation may extend over both the inhalation and exhalation phases of this process. There are several variations involved here which you will discover through experimentation.
Now that our wafer is consecrated, it's time to feast! May these offerings contribute to a deeply experienced Immortal Communion with the Divine in a wide variety of situations, relationships, and sacred locations in your life. Through the magick of this consecration, may your interaction with these writings create change, illuminate synchronicities, and initiate ever-deepening experiences of individual liberty. Take your time and enjoy this instant, for it will never be repeated... If you come across a thought or passage contained herein that particularly interests you, then pause and breathe, meditate, invoke, trust, communicate, explore... The Waters of Infinite Life may burst forth from any and every situation.
New Aeon of the Immortal Child Horus
In this new Aquarian Aeon of the Immortal Child Horus which we are now entering, the Liberation of Immortal Communion is destined to develop as a principal description of the global and individual changes we shall experience. In old ways of thinking, communion is something reserved for special times and is only available from an intermediary priest. This Piscean Age attempt to limit certain times and certain situations goes against the very nature of the Christ Life which Is True Immortal Communion. The Christ Nature within each of us is forever proclaiming: "I am the Way of Everlasting Life! I am the Way of Life Triumphant, Beautiful and True!" The Kingdom of Infinite Life is within You.
Share this infinite Kingdom with the creator and the creation through every thought, word and action. In this Way, you fulfill your role in the Aquarian Liberation of Communion. Christmas Everywhen and Easter Everywhere - the Emergence of Christ and the Triumph of Christ through the Immortal Transformation of Matter: These two events are perpetual and are happening totally all the time and in every situation. Mastery of the Art of Immortal Communion makes this Truth evident and opens The Way for you to become a Co-creator involved in both the Emergence and the Triumph of Immortality at all times. In the Judaic-Christian Tradition, the True Masters of Immortal Communion are known as the Melchizedek Immortals.
Melchizedek is one of the most ancient Immortals mentioned in the Bible. One esoteric tradition suggests that he attained his Physical Immortality at the age of 52, after developing a perfect Angelic Communion with the Archangel Michael. Michael is the angel of Trust, Intuition, Sharing, and all forms of Communication - all ideal qualities inherent within the dynamics of Divine Communion. Michael is associated with the planet Mercury and Cabalistic Tree of Life sphere Hod. Fifty-two is one of the great sacred numbers: It is 4 × 13. Thirteen is the number of feminine unity: 52 extends this Shekinah quality to the four directions. Fifty-two is the number of years in one Heaven cycle in the sacred Aztec Calendar. We entered such a 52-year cycle at sunrise on 17th August, 1987 Mexican time. This event was well publicized and was popularly known as "Harmonic Convergence." In the Hindu Tradition, there are said to be 52 different interpretations of the Veda and 52 corresponding pronunciations of "Aumgn (Om)" to go with each interpretation.
From the beginning, Melchizedek has always been devoted to the creation of the New Jerusalem, or the Earthly Paradise. This devotion of Will was clearly formulated during his Immortal Initiation through Michael. The present Work of the Melchizedek Immortals is developing in harmony with the 12 year cycle of Jupiter. The current cycle began in 2022 with the entry of Jupiter in Aries and culminates in 2034. The primary goal of this period is to further the activation of Earth Chakras on the planet. This work is to be accomplished in four 19 year cycles, activating 39 Earth Chakras each cycle, until 2065AD. As these locations open, they are destined to become places where the outpouring of the Immortal Grail Communion from the Living Earth intensifies to a state of superabundance and rapidly transforms the entirety of the Planetary Culture. Over the coming years many vision quests and individual creative activities at Earth Chakras throughout the world are destined to contribute to this Melchizedek Work. Additional information on the Earth Chakras is contained in my books Earth Chakras and The Rainbow Serpent and the Holy Grail, and on the Earth Chakras website
The Melchizedek Immortals
Who are the Melchizedek Immortals? They are those teachers from all cultures and traditions, who are devoted to revealing the Sublime Way of spiritually Immortalizing the physical body. They are Beings of Great Peace: Melchizedek himself has been called a King of Peace; while Jesus is a Prince of Peace - and Mary is proclaimed Queen of Peace as she appears in the Yugoslavian village of Medjugorje.
Every Melchizedek Adept is either physically Immortal, or else fully awakened to the knowledge that they are to attain this same Immortal State in their present incarnation. There are no exceptions to this rule. These are the True Ascended Masters who have advanced beyond the Bodhisattva by translating their physical bodies into incorruptible Christed Body Temples of Light. You will find no grave harbouring the bones of a Melchizedek Immortal, for all without exception have, with Joy, upraised the frequencies of their Entire Being into a Living and Everlasting Knighthood in Service to the Divine.
We find the following useful information contained in the Letter to the 'Hebrews' in the New Testament:
Melchizedek... has no father,
No mother, no lineage;
His years have no beginning,
His life no end.
He is like the Son of God:
He remains a Priest
For All Time.
Listen to these lovely words from the 110th Psalm:
”You have shone
With the dew of youth
Since your mother bore you...
You are a Priest forever
In the Order of Melchizedek.”
When you are born again as an Immortal, the Divine speaks to you these very same words God spoke to Jesus when he became a High Priest of Melchizedek:
Thou art my Child, Today I have begotten thee! The Priest or Priestess of Melchizedek is able to proclaim this Great Truth: "No being or force in this Universe has either the Right, the Will, or the Capability to take away my Life!" This same idea is also stated in the seventh chapter of Hebrews:
The New Priest who Arises
Is one like Melchizedek,
Owing his Priesthood
Not to a system of earth-bound rules
But to the power of a Life
That can Not be destroyed.
If a religious system does not produce Everlasting Life, then a Better Hope is introduced that Opens once again the Way to the Church of the First Born Immortals. Only an Immortal Priesthood has both the Divine Grace and the Understanding sufficient to clearly define and illuminate the Way to being Born Again...
At the present time, the space and time dynamics of the Heart Chakra of Earth are expanding. This expansion of the Earth’s Heart Chakra at Glastonbury and Shaftesbury is creating a situation where suddenly, as we progress further into the 21st century, there is more spiritual space in which to move. Relationships, individual and global, that have been stuck in positions of rigidity are now finding that new movements, and thus new relationships, are possible. The Immortalist Annalee Skarin has stated that more people shall emerge as Melchizedek Immortals during the next 15 to 20 years than ever before in the history of the planet. This is due to the expansion of the Earth’s Heart Chakra which we are now experiencing.
Paul, in the 8th chapter of Romans, has a profound Vision which describes the planetary Heart-Change which we are now in the midst of. He feels that all of creation is in the throes of the agonies of Extraordinary Change, waiting for the Emergence of the many Immortal Children of the Divine. For when these beings appear, then the entire Universe shall be certain of Liberty - for the work of these Children of the Divine is to uplift all matter into frequencies above entropy, decay, and death. Paul was way ahead of his time in seeing the essential relationship between the Living Earth and individuals. The Heart-Chamber of the Living Earth expands - and the Aquarian Immortal Children of Global Regeneration emerge.
Rene Guenon, in his book The Lord of the World, offers many valuable insights into the Melchizedek lineage. The name itself is originally spelled Melki-Tsedeq, which means the Tsaddik of Malkuth*. In English, this is translated as the Just Adept of the Earth. The Tsaddik is one who has Adjusted his or her Being to a point of perfect harmony while Living on the Earth. In the Hassidic tradition, there are always 36 Tsaddiks (Tzaddikim) on the Earth at all times. When the process of Tiqqun, or material ascension, is complete, then Messiah appears as the 37th Tsaddik.
(*Malkuth is the lowest sphere in the Cabalistic Tree of Life. If an Immortal is fully materialised and visible then the Immortal is said to be inhabiting the Sphere of Malkuth. To become Immortal is to become Justified; this process of Justification occurs within the top two spheres of the 13 Sphere Tree of Everlasting-Life. More information on the Restored 13 Sphere Tree of Life is in my book Voyage to Avalon available on the books page, and on the Tree of Life page.)
These 36 Tsaddiks are Perfect Heart-Masters, are physically Immortal, and are thus forever able to offer the Immortal Communion of the Grail. I would like to explain why there are traditionally 36 and to show their connections to the numbers 37 and 666. We often hear of 666 being the number of the Solar Logos and the ideal length of Glastonbury Abbey. These associations are all derived from the Hebrew Cabala.
In the Cabalistic Tree of Life, spheres are traditionally numbered from the Crown Chakra-Kether downwards. The Heart chakra-Tiphareth is numbered 6 in this pattern. Each sphere has a magickal square. The square for Tiphareth-sun-Heart chakra is constructed by using its number 6: A square with 6 columns and 6 rows, or 6 × 6 = 36 sub-squares. Then the numbers 1 through 36 are placed in these 36 boxes so that each row or column adds up to 111. Thus the total value of the square of the sun is 666 - the Solar Logos. Six hundred sixty-six is 18 times 37. Thus the 36 Tsaddiks maintain the planetary grid which grounds the solar-666 force which is Immortalising the Living Earth. In Cabala, the term which describes the work of the Tsaddiks, Tiqqun, also has the value 666. Tiqqun means the Translation of All Matter into Union with the Immortal Frequencies of the Divine - this brings us back to our theme of Immortal Grail Communion. For True Immortal Communion always has as its Divine Purpose the Total Transformation of Matter in a Way that Glorifies Aliveness, Liberty, Light and Love. This is forever the Work of the Heart Master.
Each of the 36 Tsaddik Heart Masters is responsible for giving Immortal Grail Communion to 4000 individuals. This is how the number 144,000 is generated out of the Heart, for 36 × 4000 = 144,000. This number has been associated with the planetary changes initiated by Harmonic Convergence in August of 1987. To fulfil the prophecy of Annalee Skarin, we are now in the process of creating over a hundredfold increase in Immortals on the Earth.
The original 36 Heart Masters were focused in 12 groups of 3, each triune group acting as intermediary at each of the 12 Inspirational Gates of the Planetary New Jerusalem - 12 specific Earth Chakras which are Generating the Aquarian Archetype of the New Aeon. A New Earth is emerging from 12 Chakras... a New Earth Glorified and Revealed by the 12 Gates of Paradise. When this 12-Chakra Event is manifested and rooted, then the 36 Tsaddiks shift locations so that there is one Tsaddik at each of 36 distinct Earth Chakras. Within the next 15 to 20 years each Tsaddik shall have initiated a minimum of 4000 individuals into Mastery of the Way of Everlasting Life - Physical Immortality. The 144,000 are all now alive, incarnate. Rituals conducted in the Andes - at Lake Titicaca and Machu Picchu - on the Wesak Full Moon in May 1987 were specifically dedicated to Blessing the Emergence of these 144,000. It should be noted that this number is a minimum figure - I am sure that many more than this shall find The Way of Immortal Communion before we advance to the mid-point of the 21st Century.
In this vision of Earth Evolution, Tsaddiks may be interpreted as Initiatory Spirits of Location, or as individual beings working in conjunction with the Will of the Living Earth. The archetypes of Planetary Surrealism may be interpreted in many ways...Always remember that this work is Creative and Artistic.
The essential activity to be accomplished at each of these 12 Earth Chakra Gates is this: with Simplicity, Beauty and Grace, invoke and generate the Angelic Spirit of Truth for the clearly stated purpose of Illuminating the True Will for Immortality within every Being. In Holy Immortal Communion with the Immortals present at the locale, and with the Earth Spirit of the Earth Chakra, send Forth the Word of Everlasting-Life to All! No other Word has as great a power to rapidly transform this Planet into its Divinely intended Destiny of a Global Paradise! If we Dare to Act, we shall observe that this is True. The Melchizedek Immortals makes No Promise for which the Way of its Fulfilment has not been First Prepared!
The above information on Melchizedek and the Tsaddiks is important. These ideas may be new to many readers. This is to be expected - for whenever we enter a new Aeon, in this case the Aquarian, the archetypes, spiritual laws, and ways of thinking change. The sleeping truths of old traditions awaken and join forces with the Activities of the New. Before leaving this contemplation of Melchizedek, I would like to illuminate our Theme a little further in one area...
The Virgin Mary is one of the most famous Melchizedek Immortals. She has been appearing in many locations over the last 170 years. It is important to understand the Immortal Nature of Mary. She did not die. She consciously translated her physical Body into an ascended Immortal Body. I have a strong Vision of her Dancing a Sacred Dance in Praise of the Divine at the Sacred Instant of her Bodily Translation. Three locations claim to be the site of this event: Ephesus, Jerusalem, and Glastonbury. People living at Glastonbury, the Earth’s Heart Chakra, like to see her dancing in the area of the Chalice Well Gardens at the instant of her Translation.
It is said of every Melchizedek Immortal that they are not born of earthly parents. This needs to be clearly explained according to the esoteric Judaic-Christian understanding of this idea. All of us, including Melchizedek, Enoch, Jesus, etc., are first born through the water-womb, with earthly parents. As we deepen our Mastery of Total Immortal Communion with The Divine, we eventually reach the point of second birth. Our second birth, when we are Born Again, occurs at the instant we alchemically translate our corruptible body into an Immortal perfected Body. At this point we become Children of the Divine - direct heirs of the Divine. This preparation for the Second Birth of Divine Spiritual Fire may take many lifetimes or it may only take a few years. When we are truly Born Again, the Divine Within recreates us anew so that the entirety of our lineage or inheritance comes directly straight from the Divine. We continue to honour our earthly parents, but our inheritance now comes solely, incessantly, and without limit from the Living Heart of God. Immortals, born again, are free from all hereditary sin - they are the "Justified and Ancient humans made perfect."
At this point we are born without earthly parents - not before. This second birth, where we are Born Again, is always identical to the Translation of Flesh - Physical Immortality within the present incarnation. Never put off to a future Lifetime what can be attained in your present Life! All the Wisdom and Spiritual Techniques are available so that anyone who dedicates their Self to the Way of Everlasting-Life can achieve Victory over all limitations - including the limitations created by the rejection of the physical body by the spirit. The marriage of Body and Spirit into a Living Unity in Service to the Divine has always been the Highest Ideal of Divine Will within each of us. "Know ye not that your Body is the Living Temple of the Immortal Divine?"
The Holy Grail
The archetype of the Grail has always been at the heart of the Melchizedek Communion. As many of you know, the Grail Cup is far older than Christianity. It was used during the Atlantean Era by Enoch. It was used by Melchizedek to Bless Abraham atop Mount Tabor and thus initiate the Jewish Spiritual Current. The Cup of Manna is one of the key forces within the Ark of the Covenant. Traces of the ancient Atlantean-Enochian Cup can be contacted through the Celtic myths of Ireland and Wales. The Cup which gives Everlasting-Life is found in many different religions.
The Arthurian Quest for the Holy Grail is the Quest for Immortal Communion. There is a Grail lineage and there is a Grail Communion. The lineage consists of all Melchizedek Immortals. The Grail Communion literally delivers what the outer churches symbolically offer - Christed Translation of the Physical Body Temple, or Physical Immortality. In alchemy, the Philosopher's Stone is identical to the Grail. The Elixir of Life and the Fountain of Eternal Youth are additional synonyms. The Christing of all Flesh is an inevitable result produced by Total Immortal Communion with The Divine. This Christing of the Flesh is a Planetary and Individual process - hence the absolute importance in the 21st Century to establish a deep and creative relationship with the Immortal Will of the Living Earth.
When a New Revelation manifests upon Earth, all the old Ideals which are asleep awaken and rally to the Eternal Cause. The Return of King Arthur and Merlin The Magickian as potent and creative forces at the present time are prime examples of this. We seek the Immortal Communion which transforms the Universe - this is always the High Way of Fruitful Travel... All experience upon this Way offers the Infinite Magick of Immortal, Christing Communion...
Every experience offers Immortal Communion - yet how often do we completely accept and integrate at every level of being this Divine Offering? This New Aquarian Aeon is destined to be a cycle in time when humanity finally discovers how to accept and integrate this Immortal Communion. We all have a constant and ever-changing opportunity to partake of this Immortal Communion. Every instant of your experience is unique and shall never be repeated again. Each such instant of Living is offering you the Holy Grail. Certain mystics have always recognized this Truth. Now, in this New Aeon, all beings shall become Masters of this Immortal Communion. These Laws are very simple to state and can be practiced in any, and every, situation.
The Way of Immortal Communion leads to Perfection of what is known as "the Practice of the Presence of the Divine." The ecstatic embrace of the Divine in each and every experience of Living is the Fruit of this Practice. Through the Way of continually increasing your Heart's radiation of the transformative qualities of Divine Praise, Love, and Joyous Thanksgiving, the visible presence of the Divine becomes more manifest to all senses until only the Divine is present. The totality of our spiritual senses unite with the Divine in an Embrace which never ends at this point. This is Loving the Divine to the point of Absolute Distraction. This is the state of True Immortal Communion. Total Immortal Communion always occurs at the point of Touch. In the Words of the poem The Invocation of the Omega Point, "Oh Let my Touch be the Highest Manifestation for the Will Divine!" (see the Poetry page link at the top)
The Immortal Communion of the Holy Grail is always transmitted through the interface of Touch, which is at the borderline between Self and the Divine that vanishes during the ecstatic embrace described above. Consecrate and dedicate your senses to transmitting and receiving the Immortal Frequencies of the Divine totally through each and every experience of Living. It matters not whether your experiences appear to be either positive or negative - all experience is offering you the Immortal Communion of the Holy Grail. The embrace of all experience by the Radiant Heart of Joyous Thanksgiving unlocks the deepest Secret of Living here on Earth and illuminates every Step upon your Way to Perpetual and Ecstatic Unity with the Divine. "Ye who are Grateful in All Things: Your bodies shall be filled with Light; and ye shall witness the Universe of Infinite Life outpouring from the Fountains of your Hearts!"
For far too long, the traditional Christian Churches of the world have obscured the Way of Physical Immortality which Jesus teaches. This Way has been mastered by adepts from many cultures and religions. There are many Chinese Taoists who are Immortal like Jesus and Mary. There are many Immortals within the lineage of Black Hat Tibetan Buddhism. This Aquarian Aeon shall quickly witness a shift of focus from death to life - from the illusion of the crucifixion to the Truth of the Triumph of Life. Jesus was Physically Immortal prior to his crucifixion. Now is the Aeon to Regenerate the Universe through Living. In this Aquarian Aeon, death redeems no sins whatsoever: The Immortal Waters of the Holy Grail pouring forth through the Living Heart redeem everything. The Water-bearer of Aquarius regenerates the Earth. It is a profound Blessing to be Alive at this time upon the planet - for it is only through Living and Loving that the Will (Highest Purpose) of the Earth is Fulfilled. May we each contribute our own Divine Unique Gifts to this New Aeon! (For more information on Melchizedek, Immortals and Immortality see my books The Path of the Phoenix and The Art of Everlasting Life, and the Immortality page.)
True Immortal Communion produces a change within the physical body. When Moses communed with the Divine upon Mount Sinai, his physical body became so charged with the Light of Truth that others could not directly look at him for a considerable time. When the Physically Immortal beings, Moses and Elijah, communed with Jesus atop Mount Tabor (The Transfiguration), the Bodily radiance of all three was, again, too much for mortals to behold. When we blow our breath upon kindling to ignite and brighten a fire, we are following the same pattern to be found in Immortal Communion. In any direct encounter with the Immortal Divine, we have entered into a relationship which allows the Breath of the Divine to blow through our physical body at a sub-atomic level. Our Body could not become a Blazing Star in such a communion unless there was already alight spiritual kindling within every atom of our Flesh. We all have this spiritual kindling alight - it is called Life.
Mastery of the Art of Immortal Communion becomes possible when we learn The Way of making this Immortal Bodily Radiance perpetual. When the Breath of the Divine flows through the Flesh, the Light of Life becomes brighter. This Inner Illumination of the Body Temple reveals aspects of Divine Wisdom that previously were in darkness. The Divine Laws in Action during such immortal communion become clear to consciousness.
We are all Christs/Avatars in disguise searching for Ways of dropping the disguise. We are constantly trying to get the formulas right: How much should I give of myself in this situation? How much am I willing to receive? What do I have to give? To whom? Our minds generally do us very little good in this game. All too often, the mind, for an endless variety of reasons, places limitations to our giving and receiving of True Immortal Communion. I know of no Immortal who attained Immortality through devotion to the mind. Ancient disciplines such as Zen are very valuable because they help us to create a state of No-mind. It is profound Initiation, especially for a left-brain intellectual, to discover that one is not identical to one's thoughts. Thoughts can be creative if we realize that thoughts are the servants of the Divine. In the West, we often say "I think, therefore I Am." In the East, we often say the opposite, "I cease to think, and thus experience my True Self."
Immortal Communion creates New Life. If we want to reconcile the above East-West polarity regarding thought, we need to unite with the forces which create thoughts. Every form of Immortal Communion involves Relationship: At least two Divine points-of-view agree to create an exchange of energy and information. To give New Life into a Thought, the two aspects which must agree to Immortal Communion with each other are Will and Love. Love is the Law - Love united with Will. Heart chakra united with Crown chakra; Tiphareth with Kether; Glastonbury (Heart Chakra of Earth) with Mount Kailas (Crown Chakra of Earth) - in every situation, the Wedding of Love and Will is at the Foundation of True Immortal Communion. The Will to Love creates a Divine Relationship which makes Immortal Communion possible. True Love is the exchange of Immortal Divinity and always produces Joy. If you are breathing in the Fullness of my Christ/Buddha Nature and I am breathing in the Fullness of your Christ/Buddha Nature, then we are experiencing the Joy of True Immortal Communion. True Love is experiencing and sharing Immortality with a Point-of-view other than your own. Intellectuals who are attached to the "my thoughts are me" illusion find True Love very difficult.
Immortal Communion
In far too many traditions, the physical body and matter have been relegated to the bottom of the totem pole. The spirit, abstract ideals and archetypes, the intellect - all these things have been seen as somehow more Divine than the material. At best, the material has been seen as a passive substance which may be sculpted or shaped by the supposedly higher forces of the spirit and the intellect. In this New Aeon, this attitude is changing. The material is Alive, Intelligent, Divine, Creative...
The Divine is meaningful only when it is perceived and experienced. Without the material, the experience of the Divine is impossible. "The Body is the Temple of the Spirit." As is evident in such great Cathedrals as Chartres, the Temple is capable of creatively using Spirit so that Spirit becomes meaningful, useful and beautiful. Rather than Spirit spiritualizing matter, it is Matter which is Materializing Spirit. The concept of our material Earth as a Living Planet with a Creative Will of its own, is another sign that respect for the material is increasing.
The physical body is more intelligent than the mind, the cells of the body are more intelligent than the physical body, the atoms are more intelligent than the cells, and the iota particles (smallest possible units of existence) have the greatest Creative Will and Intelligence of All.
If we go within and listen to the Wisdom of our iota particles, we drink of the highest and most profound Immortal Communion, for "the Kingdom of Heaven is Within You." Every iota particle is a bi-polar unity which is Immortal and offering the Communion of Love. When we communicate with this Level and honour this Will devoted totally to Immortal Love, then we begin to recreate our Being - this is often called "bringing forth the Christ within." Physical Immortality is the complete manifestation of the Iota Will. Let thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven - Let thy True Will be established without as it is already established within.
When we are born, the Divine gives us a Body Temple. It is the purpose of Life to translate this Divine Gift of the Body into Living Sacrament, and then to share forever this Immortal Life with the entirety of the Universe until all Creation is upraised to joyous frequencies of Liberty and Love. To be in the Presence of the Holy Grail is to be in the presence of a being who is Physically Immortal, or Christed. The resonating energy field of such a Grail Master radically transforms the immediate environment. The Immortal Will within the iota level of the surrounding environment - rocks, trees, animals, you - naturally responds to this Resonance of the Grail - inner and outer Immortal Will, the same in essence, unite to roll away the stone... to Liberate All Life.
In ancient China, the yoga of total Immortal Communion is known as the Way of the Tao. This Tao is best defined as the ever-changing Perfection of the Now. At every instant of our journey, there exists a way of relating to our experience which joyously maintains our ecstatic embrace of the Divine. As we advance upon our Mastery of the Way, our understanding of its dynamics changes from the complex to the simple. Whether the adept is Shinto, Taoist, Christian or Jew; the simple Fruit of the Quest almost always ends up the same in formulation: Embrace your experience of Living in the Here and Now with absolute joyous Thanksgiving. The totality of all additional Wisdom and Theology is devoted to explaining why and how to attain this Divine Embrace... Through Faith and Action, the why and how - which are eternally inscribed upon your Heart - become obvious and precious. May the Everlasting Waters of the Holy Grail Grace and Bless thy Journey Forever and Ever!
The Immortal Communion of the Holy Grail may only be received in the physical body. Contrary to old Aeon ways of thought, death decreases Liberty. The separation of the spirit from the Body Temple at death is not in harmony with the highest Ideal of Divine Will and Plan. At death, the spirit sinks into a darker level of spiritual reality where illusion limits choice. The old Piscean Aeon encouraged martyrdom - in the New Aeon of Aquarius physical Immortality is a cause no one can die for. As Stanley Spears says, death is a grave mistake. All humans who die eventually find their Ways back into the Physical Body until the Christing of Flesh through Immortal Communion is attained. It is only through Life and its Living that All things may be overcome. The Triumph of Life is the Highest Purpose of the Grail Communion. When the false duality between body and mind vanishes, then True Living begins. As the English poet, William Blake, realized, the Body and Spirit are One, not Two - they are literally the same thing. This alchemical Wedding is the constant and joyous experience of every Immortal, from Enoch to Mary to Fulcanelli... And now the Immortalisation of the Living Earth, is beginning to manifest. We are Now Alive within the Manifesting-Joy of the Planetary Christ.
As stated above, this Planetary Christ-Child is emerging initially from 12 Chakras of the Living Earth - 12 specific Earth Chakras. May Blessings of Immortal Life be upon You and All Beings forever and ever!
The Power of Immortal Communion is infinite. Each and every experience of Living may be Transformed into Divine nourishment. Events which may appear to be vile, poisonous, or filled with sin can be Changed into the Wine of Grace. The practice of Mary's 5-point program given at Medjugorje - faith, Dedication to the Divine, prayer, fasting, and peace - accelerates one's Mastery of the Art of Immortal Communion. To those of you who receive Divine Nourishment and Inspiration from your Communing with these writings, I make this suggestion: After finishing this essay, go within your Body Temple, invoke the Holy Spirit of Truth, and write 5 meditations relating Immortal Communion to each of Mary's Keys listed above. If you get some good results, share them with those you love!
Immortal Communion with the Divine develops when we learn to Trust the Word Alive within the Heart - and to Act upon what we Hear. This is Intuition. Trust your Divine Intuition and Act. Do this, and the Divine can do business with you. Love and Will are shaping a Living Word within your Heart... Go within... Trust... The Divine has something unique and precious to Share with you Now. Together - in the Spirit of Sharing - may we spread our Fruits of Immortal Communion upon the Round Table of the World in Celebration of the Triumph of Life Abundant and Everlasting... May your experience of Magickal Life contribute to this Everlasting Feast!
Copyright © 1989-2025 Robert Coon
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